3 Walpole landscaping areas of focus for spring clean ups

3 Walpole landscaping areas of focus for spring clean ups

Spring is quickly approaching; days are longer, temperatures are warmer, and we’re finally beginning to see lawns come out of hiding from beneath the melting snowdrifts. Looking back, it only feels like yesterday that we received over 2 feet of snow, but the warming temperatures keep us looking ahead. The time of year has come to start your Walpole landscaping if you want to capture the beauty of spring. There are a number of things you can do to prepare your landscape for spring.

Here are 3 Walpole landscaping areas to focus on for your spring clean ups.



Take a look around your lawn to see what Old Man Winter has left for this year’s Walpole landscaping duties. You might find leaves, branches, and other debris that will need to be cleared from your lawn. Thatch may have also accumulated over the late fall and winter and should be removed, either by raking or using a dethatcher, in order to remove the build-up of organic matter, encourage lawn growth, and increase water and nutrient intake to your turf’s roots. Once your lawn is clear, you will want to focus on any areas of the lawn that may have been damaged. Overseeding can suffice for turf areas that look thinner, but bare patches and heavily damaged areas will need to be reseeded.

Planting beds

Your planting beds may have also taken a beating over the winter. Trees and shrubs inside your beds are a magnet for leaf and debris accumulation. Weeds may also be present and should be removed as well. As for the structure of your bed, spring is a good time to add an edge to accentuate its design. Another essential is to add mulch. This will provide your bed with a great look and will benefit your plants by maintaining moisture and heat, and decreasing the number of weeds, which will provide your plants with ideal growing conditions.

Trees and shrubs

It is also a great time to begin maintenance for many of your trees and shrubs around your Walpole landscape. Plants are still dormant in late winter, but quickly approaching their time for spring growth. Dead and diseased branches should be removed. You will also want to shape and thin trees and shrubs, especially newly planted ones, to ensure healthy growth.

Bonus Spring Tip: As the days continue to warm, think about what spring-blooming plants you might want to add to your landscape. Here is a list of perennials that bloom in spring and a list of of bulbs that bloom in spring, both courtesy of HGTV.

We hope these 3 areas of focus can give your property the jump-start needed to become a beautiful spring landscape. If you are looking for a Walpole landscaping company to give your property a spring clean up, contact us today for a free consultation.

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